Trying to work out what to do about a bit of our garden.
We had a load of leylandii around the edge of the garden which I've mainly ripped out. On one side though my girlfriend is umming and ahhing about removing them as she doesn't like bits of the neighbour's garden (he's a lovely bloke and the plants in the garden are nice but he also likes attaching things like dolls and father christmasses high up on the walls).
Any suggestions on what can go above the fence to just break up the eyeline a bit? Was thinking some kind of plant on wires between the posts would be nice but I assume you need to grow these up from the ground which would take a few years. Is there any way to have stuff growing on the trellis without it being rooted in the ground?
Any other ideas, as you can tell from the above I don't really have much of an idea but I would like to be able to rip the rest of the leylandii out so I need a solution.
Raised planters would do the job, but they need watering and ain't cheap. How long and high is the fence? Clematis Montana and pretty much any Passion Flower would cover pretty damned quickly if trained along wires.
Trying to work out what to do about a bit of our garden.
We had a load of leylandii around the edge of the garden which I've mainly ripped out. On one side though my girlfriend is umming and ahhing about removing them as she doesn't like bits of the neighbour's garden (he's a lovely bloke and the plants in the garden are nice but he also likes attaching things like dolls and father christmasses high up on the walls).
Any suggestions on what can go above the fence to just break up the eyeline a bit? Was thinking some kind of plant on wires between the posts would be nice but I assume you need to grow these up from the ground which would take a few years. Is there any way to have stuff growing on the trellis without it being rooted in the ground?
Any other ideas, as you can tell from the above I don't really have much of an idea but I would like to be able to rip the rest of the leylandii out so I need a solution.