I’ve not seen the exhibition in question, but I’m inclined to agree in broad terms. There is a lot of street art that, stripped of its context, is just mediocre art or worse. I tend to think this about graff. A piece can look absolutely fantastic on a train or even a legal wall, but do it on a canvas and hang it up and it just looks lame. There’s also the transient nature of graff/street art. There’s something that appeals to my sort of artistic nihilism that you can spend time and effort on something that could be gone before you next walk down that street.
When you look at the names, it is very white dominated but also a lot of the artists I dont think you know who they are so they could be anyone. I guess street art is now the hype thing to sell to people with too much money or money to burn and want the next great thing.
I really like that guy Priest's stuff but also think £25 for entry is a bit of a bump.
took Mrs M to see the Beyond the streets exhibition, and her honest opinion were two points. Underwhelmed and clearly curated through a white lens.
I like the collection, especially the personal stuff (whilst not graffiti, is anchored in a time of my life I can relate) i will probably visit again alone since I have membership and can drop by anytime. however Mrs M also pointed out that street art should be witnessed insitu, not in a downtown gallery that is sterile, out of context, to the tune of £25