Time-tested Russian war strategy: to win a battle, sacrifice men until the enemy runs out of bullets; to win a war, sacrifice men until the enemy runs out of men.
Glad I’m not Russian, the poor sods (at least the ones who aren’t brainwashed Putinphiles).
There was an interview with former wagnerites who claimed they were told the battles for Kherson and Kharkiv were meant to bleed the Ukrainian army dry of experienced soldiers. At the rate they’re losing men, Zelenskyy deciding to double down on the defence of those cities may prove to be a grave mistake.
This says Ukraine is running out of soldiers. Too many deaths. It sounds hopeless. Very different from the official line taken by Ukraine and the West. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/03/13/ukraine-casualties-pessimism-ammunition-shortage/?utm_campaign=wp_must_reads&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_mustreads&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F396f241%2F6415b6a0e7f5585f19d2cd70%2F5977294aade4e26514bfd207%2F44%2F61%2F6415b6a0e7f5585f19d2cd70&wp_cu=39a42c855fd0a31aca45c56ecaabaeb3%7C8E782F538C9E7229E0530100007F7098