Our house is hideous and makes me sad every time I look at it, but it’s in the right place and if it were any better it would have been financially beyond us. So in that regard ugly is a plus! Worst house in a good place is better than a good house in a bad place and all that.
Everything is redeemable with time and money, and having somewhere to live is quite handy. Getting angry at all the irrational choices of previous owners is a fun game to pass the time too, helps break up the crushing misery of it all.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's definitely comforting!
One issue here is that some fucking idiot paid £800k for a 900sq ft semi with a downstairs bathroom last year, and since then all the houses are overpriced and (but not really selling fast). I think it's putting people off selling their houses because they're waiting for things to start going for silly money again (which we hope they won't).
We might start putting notes through doors if we don't plump for the ugly duckling house in the end.
Has anyone bought an extremely ugly house in a nice area?
Can you learn to love one in time?
There's a house in an area we like, within our budget, with some really nice features, but it's really ugly (also needs a fair bit of work).
Grow some wisteria up it and it will all be fine? Or hold out for something that actually stirs the loins?