Waterproof would mean welded rolltop which only leaves Ortlieb. If water resistance suffices (19/20 times it does, just put your passport in a ziplock bag if there's going to be heavy rain) the bigxtop bar bag is a very clever design: https://bigxtop.com/products/rando-bar-bag
I have a waterproof zip bag which I use inside anything that is "waterproof" if I need to carry my passport or something like that. I've asked a couple of makers in the EU what they have (there's a guy local to me, but waterproofing or even waterresistance isn't his jam). I'll have a look at the bigxtop.
Any recommendations for bar bags? Going to do a (light) bikepacking trip and want a bag for the front for food, passport, etc. Needs to be waterproof but I guess 3-4 litres would be enough.