Not when SilPoly exists. There's little to no use case for dyneema in tents IMO. Its slightly lighter than SilPoly and SilNylon, but its huge and can't be stuffed into a pack like SilPoly and SilNylon can. I'm all about pack size.
Tarptent Moment DW Li (Dyneema) = 745g and $639.
Tarptent Moment DW (SilNylon) = 973g and $349.I'm all for spending stupid amounts of money to reduce pack weight, but its just not worth it for that small of a weight saving IMO - especially when you can't just stuff a Dyneema tent into a pack.
Yah this. I have both mini and full size and I never really feel the need for the insertion length of the full size. Not a euph.
In other news, I got my Yama Bug Bivy up and running. Its incredibly well made and with a silpoly floor, doesn't retain any ground moisture - which can't be said for the silnylon gossamer gear tarp that got rained on all night long. It literally went from weighing about 250g to probably 1kg+ due to saturation. Fortunately its rare that I'll get caught in an all night downpour, but still, it does make me question keeping it....