I was double counting to show the depths of the price differential. I agree the ifixit tools are good / price, but some of the ones on the lower end are not nearly as nice as the slightly more premium one -- thats why I was asking about the microwavable goo opener tool.
I'll probably give the self repair a go. I'm a bit worried about getting it back together perfectly nice but as you said it is already a 5 year old phone (geez!). I'd love to get another 3 out of it.
@kboy talked me into (it didn't take much really) buying this kit
https://eustore.ifixit.com/products/manta-driver-kit-112-bit-driver-kitfrom Ifixit, and it's been invaluable over the last couple of years.
Nice knowing I have the correct bits to take apart and put together most of my electrical equipment, though I draw the line at iphones, and ipads, the glass screens are fuckers to deal with..
I've had a few kits from ifixit and always found the quality to price ratio really good. Their screwdriver sets are excellent