The app can't be screen shot but 'generate security code' is in a grey box at the bottom of the screen.
You have good morning and the first few digits of your bank id, then a red box with login with biometrics, then a white box with login with digital secure key pin. At the very bottom is the generate security code.
If its not there maybe the app is being displayed weird so maybe reinstall it?
Yeah, it's a stupid way of doing it. At least half the stuff that you do in the app doesn't just send you to the Web browser to login to the banking page there anymore.
The app can't be screen shot but 'generate security code' is in a grey box at the bottom of the screen.
You have good morning and the first few digits of your bank id, then a red box with login with biometrics, then a white box with login with digital secure key pin. At the very bottom is the generate security code.
If its not there maybe the app is being displayed weird so maybe reinstall it?