Then make it! There are no critical tolerances, a weekend with a drill, a hacksaw and some files will get you up and running. 200mm square of 6mm 6082T6 aluminium is about £12 off of ebay and will cover up to 46T
Or be lazy and send bikepunx an email, they can probably cut one out of 3mm stainless for less than Wolftooth/Blackspire money
Then make it! There are no critical tolerances, a weekend with a drill, a hacksaw and some files will get you up and running. 200mm square of 6mm 6082T6 aluminium is about £12 off of ebay and will cover up to 46T
Or be lazy and send bikepunx an email, they can probably cut one out of 3mm stainless for less than Wolftooth/Blackspire money