Selling a bunch of stuff I've used in the past but has just been sitting in storage gathering dust recently.
1) Wolftooth Valais 26
Used once so essentially brand new.
Price is for one Valais.
2)Straight Cut Sidekick x1
Great condition, come with 2x compression velcro straps each.
They are custom with a slightly different bottom from the regular Sidekick's that Ross makes so you can use a compression/ Voile strap directly to attach it to your fork (or leave it off altogether) as I never liked the long stap that is often sold for these kind of bags.
Price is per Sidekick, not both.
Based in Clapton but can probably arrange a meet for collection or can post at your expense.
Selling a bunch of stuff I've used in the past but has just been sitting in storage gathering dust recently.
1) Wolftooth Valais 26
Used once so essentially brand new.
Price is for one Valais.
2)Straight Cut Sidekick x1
Great condition, come with 2x compression velcro straps each.
They are custom with a slightly different bottom from the regular Sidekick's that Ross makes so you can use a compression/ Voile strap directly to attach it to your fork (or leave it off altogether) as I never liked the long stap that is often sold for these kind of bags.
Price is per Sidekick, not both.
Based in Clapton but can probably arrange a meet for collection or can post at your expense.
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