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  • BBC reporting HS2 to be delayed (indefinitely) in the North. Had some mates much more in-the-know express their doubts a couple of years ago that it would get north of Birmingham at all. I thought they were just being cynical...

  • I had to read the whole HS2 business case once and I've checked back I remembered right.
    70% of the benefit of the economic case in 2013 was based on faster business travel and face to face meetings that COVID has absolutely destroyed.

  • Add to that the time saving has been reduced anyway because the trains have to crawl into and out of central London (if they actually go there)...

    What a complete shambles.

  • It was based upon there being no reliable wifi connection for rail users.
    The Chiltern Line had already pioneered wifi, which is now ubiquitous for inter city services.


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