Thanks - yes, you are right, and to @Mr_Smyth ‘s earlier point - I think I need to go back to facing them outwards. This set up had previously been in a different room that was smaller, so I think that’s a bigger part of this than the speakers themselves.
@eskay yes! Am liking the look of Tylko: https://tylko.com/furniture/vinyl-storage/3763252,j,small-black-plywood-vinyl-storage-with-drawers-and-backpanels-plywood-70x83x40cm
Don’t buy tylko unless you get 25-30% discount code.
I get sent them regularly as i bought from them but not sure if i have a current one. top tip is to design something and save it then keep coming back to it and tweaking, i think this must make it look like you are on the fence with purchasing so they offer you an incentive.
(i have no idea if internet shopping works like this)Edit. today has ‘MY25 for 25% off)
All speakers of a similar size will be pretty much the same in terms of directivity when you are that close. Unless you can find some omnidirectional speakers, but the only ones I've ever seen are very expensive. I'd experiment with them pointing away from you, towards the wall etc so you can get a balance of reflected sound that will be more consistent.