Might be worth considering that the boards previously raised by electricians and plumbers serve as a handy indicator to where the pipes and cables are under the floor. I’d mark out the layout of services on the new floor, or better yet make accommodations for accessing the pipes and cables in the future, as otherwise getting to them may prove to be rather destructive!
Full disclosure, I am an electrician so I may be slightly biased on the issue!
Huh, no that's probably sensible. Maybe one or two of the worst that have been chopped in to several sections by plumbers deserve to be replaced.
@TW I'm going to guess the joists aren't level, if the ones in the loft and everything else in the fabric of the building is anything to go by. I think the over-boarding is probably sensible. Does mean a slight level change going in to the bedroom but we're using a slightly thicker pile there anyway so hopefully it'll even out