Getting the outdoor building/cabin electric sorted and thinking of network, I just about get WiFi signal from the front of the house to the back of the garden 35~ ish meters. Do I run a cat6 cable and get a WiFi access point in outdoor building or do I just go for a WiFi mesh system? The outdoor connection will be mainly for a laptop without ethernet connection, wireless printer and potentially a Mac mini/Mac with ethernet.
Not clued up enough to make a decision, I know wired connection more stable, but I won't be using it wired due to new Mac usb c only.
Getting the outdoor building/cabin electric sorted and thinking of network, I just about get WiFi signal from the front of the house to the back of the garden 35~ ish meters. Do I run a cat6 cable and get a WiFi access point in outdoor building or do I just go for a WiFi mesh system? The outdoor connection will be mainly for a laptop without ethernet connection, wireless printer and potentially a Mac mini/Mac with ethernet.
Not clued up enough to make a decision, I know wired connection more stable, but I won't be using it wired due to new Mac usb c only.