How serious about the concrete?
I have a Makita and rate it super highly for wood, brick, plasterboard, etc. Did over 70 holes a few months back into brick and the battery held up for the whole time and there were no issues with capability to drill into bricks of varying age and density.
But concrete... I'd probably want to watch a few YouTube videos on how it performs before betting on it.
In all other respects I love the cordless. I've done a good amount of work with the power out, and for me there have been more occasions with no power supply than occasions where the cordless felt challenged (that's currently zero for me, but I haven't drilled concrete yet).
Think I'm gonna need a SDS drill for some upcoming diy (drilling into concrete posts, demoing some brickwork). Do I get the popular Titan corded for £70 or get this cordless Makita LXT for £100? I've got a few makita batteries already. Are there any drawbacks of the Makita?
Titan: https://www.screwfix.com/p/titan-ttb653sds-5-9kg-electric-sds-plus-drill-230-240v/6846h
Makita: https://www.powertoolworld.co.uk/makita-dhr202zwj-18v-lxt-sds-plus-rotary-hammer-20mm-white-body-only-in-carry-case?gclid=CjwKCAiAr4GgBhBFEiwAgwORrQum_8yYOebJcn0xl0gj-__2XCxJI3r9LgtO7W-39btoVUQsL7EJeRoClOUQAvD_BwE