It's quite clear from StreetView that this street carries very high volumes of through motor traffic, and while none of the footways are shared-use, it's understandable that riders would use them. In the face of the enormity of what happened, this is all irrelevant. Tragic.
It's quite clear from StreetView that this street carries very high volumes of through motor traffic, and while none of the footways are shared-use, it's understandable that riders would use them.
I’ve cycled that road once and as you say it’s horrid, I used the paths.
What a dreadful crash. This is the site:,-0.1798557,3a,35.7y,102.32h,86.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sP7suqAnP9IbPAk_hiAISlg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
It's quite clear from StreetView that this street carries very high volumes of through motor traffic, and while none of the footways are shared-use, it's understandable that riders would use them. In the face of the enormity of what happened, this is all irrelevant. Tragic.