What a dreadful crash. This is the site:
It's quite clear from StreetView that this street carries very high volumes of through motor traffic, and while none of the footways are shared-use, it's understandable that riders would use them. In the face of the enormity of what happened, this is all irrelevant. Tragic.
none of the footways are shared-use
This was up for debate in the case, apparently (according to local press). Cambs council cycling maps would appear to disagree - but there is no signage - so the police were unable to determine whether or not the path was shared use. *caveat - this is just my own reading of the local reports
Having grown up less than 15 miles from there, I’ve been round that ring round 100s of times. It’s a 30 but most cars race to at least 40 between the lights.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable cycling that road if at all avoidable.
Totally agree with the charge and outcome of the case. The lack of remorse is astonishing.