• Does anyone have experience with lower back pain? My ego got the better of me and I tried to shoulder press a lil more than I should of. The following day I had an ache and now 11 days on I'm hobbling around. Fresh out of bed I feel good but worsens as the day progresses. I'm reluctant to see a GP as I don't want to take an appointment away from someone with a more severe ailment. Any ideas.

  • What @Stoo61 says - GPs, for all that they are good for, are at best just going to refer you for a long wait, particularly as it sounds like you have a muscle strength / weakness problem, rather than an acute injury.

    A proper physio* will assess you for anything that might require medical intervention, in any case.

    My current lower back problems are caused by lifting - my QL (and sometimes the spinalis) keeps going into spasm, sometimes flooring me.

    OHPs are fun, as when my shoulders hit the limit, my back twists and then cramps up.

    My treatment plan involves working on my lower back extension - hip hinges and pelvic tilts, progressing to rack pull deadlifts and shallow squats - building strength and awareness of extending my lower back under load, and getting to the point that it enables me to do the real lifting with my glutes and hams, while keeping a solid frame.

    I also do a lot of hockey ball work - warm up and activate the lower back with tilts and hinges, then use a hockey ball to dig right in and release the muscles that are locking. It's a strange sort of nice agony.

    * not an osteopath, and 100% not a chiropractor. They might be able to address the pain, short term, but they'll do nothing for anything systemic, and a chiropractor could just damage you.
