If you have the money, because it is expensive, just go straight to the physio.
NHS physio will be 12 weeks away minimum in my experience (8 months for a mate to see an orthopaedic specialist)...after your GP referral. Thats if you dont get referred for a scan first...might have to double that time if thats the case.
Or it might go away eventually.
(Sorry you probably know all this just frustrating innit)
Does anyone have experience with lower back pain? My ego got the better of me and I tried to shoulder press a lil more than I should of. The following day I had an ache and now 11 days on I'm hobbling around. Fresh out of bed I feel good but worsens as the day progresses. I'm reluctant to see a GP as I don't want to take an appointment away from someone with a more severe ailment. Any ideas.