I only ever kept it on year round to keep the legacy pricing.
You can retain the legacy pricing.. can't be bothered to read this very long post and distill but it says something about having until 2024 to sort it.
You can retain the legacy pricing.
I know, but they are clearly not happy about it so I won't carry on with it. I see where they are coming from, it's just that I usually don't touch the turbo from about May-December, so paying monthly actually works better for me.
The only concerning thing about it was that, if the legacy pricing has become a problem for them it must mean that the legacy customers are a large part of their total, which means they aren't adding so many new ones, ie not growing as fast as they thought they would.
That's exactly what I decided I'd do when I heard about their pricing.
I only ever kept it on year round to keep the legacy pricing. I expect they'll have a massive drop in revenue around May when everyone else does the same!