And I have been pondering whether some of the bits he had done to his Cross Check could be done to my Midnight Special.
Specifically, I'd love to remove the down tube bosses and put in internal rear brake hose routing. But the biggest thing would be to fit a proper through axle dropout instead of Surly's bodge.
So, does anyone know if that would be possible, and if so, who/where would you recommend?
Apologies if this isn't the right place for this, but couldn't see anywhere more relevant.
While looking after the wee one at a silly hour of the morning I read this:
And I have been pondering whether some of the bits he had done to his Cross Check could be done to my Midnight Special.
Specifically, I'd love to remove the down tube bosses and put in internal rear brake hose routing. But the biggest thing would be to fit a proper through axle dropout instead of Surly's bodge.
So, does anyone know if that would be possible, and if so, who/where would you recommend?