Your Eco do great work in the uk but I’d personally size for greater battery storage and avoid a heat pump in the meantime.
My personal views are heat pumps are 5/10 years off being a finished product in terms of efficiency and outputs. I believe currently better results are achieved with a larger battery and electric boiler.
Also consider a small 1kwh wind turbine as it’ll do little wonderful things overnight.
Basically I want a reputable expert to come over and outline all of the options, complexities and ballpark costs.
Good luck.
A start would be your energy provider.
On here, @Nahguavkire is well in to heatpumps and the stuff you need to do to your gaff to get them to sing.
You want a certified Retrofit Coordinator. It's complicated even for a standard home, and a retrofit coordinator will give you advice on how it all goes together, phasing and impacts etc, which someone very good at one aspect might not be able to.
Also check out SELCE/ Future Fit Homes - did some very good webinars over the last couple years which are available online, a few retrofit house case studies and a few more about the principles of.
https://www.futurefithomes.org/blog - the Harry Paticas one from 28 Jan 2021 is excellent.
What you're describing can involve a full demolition back to external walls and then hanging a thermally broken envelope from scratch (to Passivhaus standards perhaps). Is that what you're after? If so, I'd go down the PH architect route.
If not, then the issue with Victorian retrofit is the leakiness of the envelope to begin with, this might make it impossible to benefit from a heat pump (where the flow temperature needs to be low).
For that reason I'd start with heat demand assessment and pressure test with someone who can talk you through what might be possible for your envelope within your budget? There may be an argument to put all your money into the envelope and skip the pump/PV for now...
Mega thread dredge.
I am interested in discovering what it would take to sort out insulation, heat pumps and solar panels for our Victorian house in SE24.
Basically I want a reputable expert to come over and outline all of the options, complexities and ballpark costs.
Can anyone suggest such a person or company?