he means put people in jail, he's been pretty pro jail for his entire career, and the few times he's spoken about policy are to hire cops and criminalise more behaviour
dude loves prisons, and it's not really sensational to say that
A vote for Labour on Thursday is a vote for more jobs, more police on the streets and to protect our NHS.
he's been pretty pro jail for his entire career
He was director of public prosecutions. The most prison-putting job in the whole country. I can’t begin to imagine how much dissonance a left-leaning, socially conscious, empathic future Labour leader must have felt being in charge of putting people in prison.
dude loves prisons, and it's not really sensational to say that
Just on thst first link, his point is speed of prosecution. Pretty sure that that's a well documented thing - people waiting for ages separates the act from the sentence.
I assume it’s about repairing potholes. If my local Facebook / Nextdoor / WhatsApp’s are anything to go by it’s a vote winner.