Sounds very similar. Yep it’s so fast.
Two lovely people driving helped me. One chucked my bike in his van and drove me home. He’d lost a nephew who died after a nasty bike crash in Lewisham (lamppost) literally days ago :( That was quite a salutary moment when he told me.
@abr I was about to do exactly the same, then thought, nah I should try to ride up corkscrew as I’m really out of shape. 😬
He’d lost a nephew who died after a nasty bike crash in Lewisham (lamppost) literally days ago :( That was quite a salutary moment when he told me.
Oh God, no. Could it be this crash?
Do you know any more?
ah shit man, not great then!
completely unexpected slams are the worst as you can't brace yourself.
i've had a similar slam before where my front wheel slipped out on what i thought was a perfectly dry roundabout.
had CT scans and x-rays but luckily nothing worse than a mild concussion, a few facial scabs, and a sprained wrist (i was knocked out and managed to get home but couldn't remember how)
rest up, hope you heal fast.