• #2
I remember my old iSight camera. It was a thing of beauty.
• #3
Can I dibs
1, 6,7 and 9.
Sent pm
• #4
Dibs 19 please, will PM
• #5
12] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C) -
• #6
PM, magic mouse 13 please.
• #7
Dibs on 10 posted please. Pm sent.
• #8
Sent a pm for a mouse / keyboard (whatever is left) and possibly a remote.
Thanks! -
• #9
please can I have 2nd dibs on 6 & 9. will pm
• #10
Yes, the whole package is amazing. Different types of mounts and connecting pieces to route the FireWire cable. And the iSight is a lovely bit of kit. I think I mounted it on the first version of the Studio Display and never used it…
• #11
Dibs noted. Thanks for the DM re. postage, will DM in return.
• #12
Gotcha. Will DM back shortly.
• #13
Okay. Thanks for the DM will respond shortly.
• #14
Okay, thanks for the DM, will respond shortly.
• #15
Thanks… will be in touch.
• #16
Yup. Postage fine, I don’t know about the IR status… if the chassis has ever had a second HDD installed (no idea) there’s an even chance that IR port isn’t connected. May be worth a punt…
• #17
Edit - undibs
• #18
Dibs so far:
1] A1343 85W Magsafe Power Adapter (B)
6] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (B)
7] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (B)
9] A1339 Apple Magic Trackpad - takes AA batteries (B)@doubleodavey
8] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (C)
13] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)@cjr
12] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)@User149443
14] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)@goodhead
10] A1314 Apple Wireless Keyboard - takes AA batteries (B)@tjmw
19] A1294 Apple Remote (A)Currently, I am travelling back to the south coast so will be back in town, Friday evening. If you’ve messaged me, I’ll be in touch soon. Thanks.
• #19
• #20
Okay, thanks. Drop me a DM if you want to arrange pickup or postage? Cheers...
• #21
Can I take second dibs on 2 please
• #23
Sure thing… please DM me &c &c
• #24
I’ll take 1 or 2 if either becomes available. I’m local so can pick up.
• #25
Dibs mouse 15
Apple £5/£10/£15 sale
Postage at cost. Dibs the number in the thread and DM me. Collection at weekends in N19 (Archway/Holloway/Hornsey).
All well used. I’m trying a scheme (ABCD) to mark cosmetic condition, where (A) is the boxed/shrinkwrapped product and (D) is tatty-but-functional. It’s just a loose guide.
Please check the model number against the internet for the skinny on these.
MacBook Power Adaptors £15 each
1] A1343 85W Magsafe Power Adapter (B)
2] A1343 85W Magsafe Power Adapter (C)
Airport Stuff £5 each
3] A2164 Airport Express Base Station (C)
4] A1088 Airport Express Base Station - in box (B)
5] A1408 Airport Extreme Base Station (B)
Input devices £15 each
6] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (B)
7] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (B)
8] A1644 Apple Wireless Keyboard - built-in battery (C)
The keyboards above can be used wirelessly or with a Lightning cable as a regular wired keyboard.
9] A1339 Apple Magic Trackpad - takes AA batteries (B)
This can only be used wirelessly!
Input devices £10 each
10] A1314 Apple Wireless Keyboard - takes AA batteries (B)
11] A1314 Apple Wireless Keyboard - takes AA batteries (B)
12] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)
13] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)
14] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (C)
15] A1296 Apple Magic Mouse 1 - takes AA batteries (D)
These can only be used wirelessly!
Odds and Ends £10 each
16] A1023 (M8817Z/A) iSight - in box, mostly complete with FireWire cabling and bits. (B)
17] A1469 Apple TV - in box with power cable and remote but not sure if complete. (B)
18] A1359 Apple iPad Keyboard + Dock
19] A1294 Apple Remote (A)
20] A1294 Apple Remote (A)
21] A1294 Apple Remote (A)
22] A1156 Apple Remote (A)
23] Power CD with remote and power adaptor
24] Targus-manufactured Apple PowerBook softcase. Handles, shoulder strap, coloured Apple logo, what’s not to like?
Free with anything other thing you buy:
25] A1314 Apple Wireless Keyboard - converted to wireless battery/dock. (C)
not shown] A1314 Apple Wireless Keyboard - as above but with no dock, battery spent, good for spares. (B)