No recommendations up your way I'm afraid but as your going for an aero fit whoever you see i'd really emphasize that you need an ironman position not a TT setup as there's more of a difference than i thought. I've had 3 "aero" fits plus one wind tunnel and one velodrome cda testing session to find a position that works for me. The first one was too pure aero focused and i ended up with a position that was fine for a 10 but would have needed a lot of practice to hold for a 25TT the second fit was slightly less aggressive but required a helmet change and whilst fine for TT's i would suffer terrible hamstring cramping almost immediately on the run. My final fit that worked we actually did a couple of short tempo bike run brick intervals near the end of the session to make sure i was comfortable running off it. After that we went to the velodrome for some head, hand, body position and equipment testing. Now I've got a pretty aero position that i can ride for hours in very relaxed and when i do Olympic distance i just bring my pads in a little and shrug and turtle up more but the bike set up stays as is. I rather not add up how much unnecessary money i spent in all this and most of it could have been saved by a clear checklist of my requirements and a quick email exchange or phone call prior to the fit.
Yeah sorry, was thinking with aero knowledge although looking for a more relaxed fit for distance!
Looks like they've closed sadly. I'll check out the places they recommend.