In chasing their core pensioner vote, they fail to address the concerns of huge swathes of the population and face becoming an irrelevance.
I heard an interesting point that they're effectively appealing to their 1980s voting group - and as time has gone on it is dying out leaving them with an ever decreasing group. Cameron managed to pivot the party to a broader base, but they've lost that.
Appointing Anderson to such a senior role shows that the UKIP-ification of the Conservative Party is complete. He’s a pub bore at best, and his attraction to voters is extremely limited.
Given UKIP maxed out at 15% vote share, I think, they run the risk of becoming a minority party unless they address this. Their strategy just appears to be non-existent. In chasing their core pensioner vote, they fail to address the concerns of huge swathes of the population and face becoming an irrelevance.