To have a gun license, you should have reached a pretty high bar. You would hope that most people with mental health issues of the sort of severity that manifests itself in murder-suicide would be denied one. You would hope.
You'd also expect them to be denied to controlling and/or abusive cunts. But it's the police that grant them, so you're asking them to look at toxic males and see something other than a kindred spirit. They'd also granted that Plymouth incel guy one, remember.
To have a gun license, you should have reached a pretty high bar. You would hope that most people with mental health issues of the sort of severity that manifests itself in murder-suicide would be denied one. You would hope.
You'd also expect them to be denied to controlling and/or abusive cunts. But it's the police that grant them, so you're asking them to look at toxic males and see something other than a kindred spirit. They'd also granted that Plymouth incel guy one, remember.