Selling since I got an e-bike. This folding carerra was kept in a bike shed when not in use so it is in excellent condition. The pedals have been replaced with heavy-duty ones. Recently serviced, but tires may need to be replaced within the next year, depending on frequency use.
This bike is registered, and I’ll transfer ownership upon completion of the sale. Pickup from Walthamstow/wood street
Selling since I got an e-bike. This folding carerra was kept in a bike shed when not in use so it is in excellent condition. The pedals have been replaced with heavy-duty ones. Recently serviced, but tires may need to be replaced within the next year, depending on frequency use.
This bike is registered, and I’ll transfer ownership upon completion of the sale. Pickup from Walthamstow/wood street
More details about size and weight:$ja=tsid:%7Ccid:16966700596%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:4208586042458759417%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:9044959&gclid=CjwKCAiA7vWcBhBUEiwAXieItpmPKifJslAu4RVlrRYNPn9iDnepIoQL4jJ9rAOl5Z5OzmY4u7_0tRoCTjgQAvD_BwE
3 Attachments