the on account payment is effectively the tax on the money you earned in the first half of the current tax year that ends in April.
And if you've earned next to nothing in those months, and are living off savings, it could put you in debt and force you to abandon important projects that happen to make a loss. I guess there's a wider debate here about whether art has any inherent value and should be counted as a job. Since it's the only reason I ever do anything, I obviously think it does / should.
"We could all do more useful things with the money, but I'm not sure why you expect an interest free loan from the rest of us to finance your projects”
I agree with this even though in the past i have not paid on account, people don’t seem to grasp the concept of keeping track of income and the long grace period you get being self employed to pay your tax, the on account payment is effectively the tax on the money you earned in the first half of the current tax year that ends in April.
There is also a mechanism to either be repaid or not pay it and you have plenty of time to see if you need to apply. seems perfectly fair to me and i’m not just on the outside looking in.