Wanted to stop my omnium’s head tube getting scratched up by cargo, bought a bit of copper pipe and chopped it in half, snaps on nicely. Might put some double sided tape on it to secure, might be alright as is. A bit of PVC pipe would also work but in 25 years this will have aged nicely :D
Love this idea. I've just allowed the front rack and anything close to it get battered but think I might start looking after it. I'll grab some plastic pipe for now but might steal this idea in the future
Wanted to stop my omnium’s head tube getting scratched up by cargo, bought a bit of copper pipe and chopped it in half, snaps on nicely. Might put some double sided tape on it to secure, might be alright as is. A bit of PVC pipe would also work but in 25 years this will have aged nicely :D