The tracker tariff can use a standard meter, they average.
from the FAQ
Do I need a smart meter?
No, although it does make it easier, otherwise you need to submit monthly readings and an average for the month will be applied.
*** Agile Octopus does require a smart meter though.
My £50 each link --> https://share.octopus.energy/ready-cub-171
No, apparently not.
Obviously it’s difficult to have an accurate day by day usage without a smart meter, but I believe that you get an averaged rate between your meter readings.Octopus installed replacement smart meters for me within a week, so unless you’re against smart meters for some reason, you can get them changed in fairly short order.
Octopus Energy are doing their tracker tariff again, based on wholesale prices.
With wholescale prices being lower at the moment, this represents a pretty big saving at the moment - (e.g. 24.01p/kWh for electricity and 6.62p/kWh for gas for me in Hampshire today).
Compared to the average of 34p/kWh for electricity and 10p/kwh for gas that is pretty standard.
As it is a tracker, it can fluctuate, but looks low at the moment, and expected to be lower than the above prices. Also can switch on and off it with 5 minutes notice.
The energy price guarantee doesn't apply when the price is below the 34p / 10.3p prices, but will kick in when the tracker prices hit that level, so the tracker is a bit of a no brainer because currently any tracker prices up to 51.9p/kwh for electricity and 17p/kwh for gas would be reduced down to 34p / 10.3p anyway.
The EPG offers 17.9p/kwh discount against electricity and 6.7p/kwh discount against gas.
Need to keep an eye on it, because there is a maximum cap at 100p/kwh and 30p/kwh for gas.