There was always a group of upper classes that like Churchill where groomed to administrate and run parts of the empire that adopted customs of locals to gain trust but mostly power and influence. This happened very frequently in india. Lawrence of Arabia was a famous example in the middle east, but others like stjohn philby converted as well and was almost certainly an agent and involved in all sorts of skullduggery, the politically consequences of which still reverberate today.
Churchill as a idyllic war time prime minister hero figure has over shadowed all his numerous short coming before and after.
He's almost become mythical.
He was a product of empire and held many grotesque view of the empires 'subjects' and even disagreed against democracy itself.
He was never able to get over the fact he was ousted so quickly after WW2 which he saw as a stab in the back by british public. He's opinion on working class british were incredibly ungrateful.