No idea about Save our Statues but the renaming has been very controversial.
There were multiple council consultations, all of which were in favour of not renaming the street, and even the Trustees of the George Padmore Institute (which John La Rose founded) were against it:
'We feel the renaming proposal, in the way it has been conceived and is being carried out, is not one which John himself would have supported, nor is it in tune with his vision of the importance of people having access to and knowledge of all their history so that they can then make their own independent judgements.
'It is clear that the renaming proposal was not serious because (a) John La Rose's' closest family and friends were not consulted in advance, and (b) the biographical note presented to residents about who John La Rose was, and why he should be honoured in this way, was flimsy, shoddy and tokenistic.
'We also understand that there is a considerable cost in changing the name of a road and we feel that, at a time like this, when there are so many other more urgent calls on the Council's finances, it is inappropriate to be spending money in this way.'
I think the eventual cost came at about £500k (EDIT: seems this may be way out) which, unsurprisingly, hasn't been viewed that favourably in the current climate.
Who are these Save our Statues idiots?