What's a good basic interval programme? At the moment I'm sprinting lamp post to every other lamp post, walk for abit, repeat. I'm sure it's fine for my very basic needs but thought it might be worth looking into something abit more structured. I don't have a running watch etc so that might be on the cards if I need to get one to do it properly.
If you go to a football pitch you could always sprint the length, recover the width. Or sprint the long diagonal (hypotenuse ?) walk the short width. And then sprint the long diagonal again. Make sense?
What's a good basic interval programme? At the moment I'm sprinting lamp post to every other lamp post, walk for abit, repeat. I'm sure it's fine for my very basic needs but thought it might be worth looking into something abit more structured. I don't have a running watch etc so that might be on the cards if I need to get one to do it properly.