• #27
Not sure if this fits the bill, but our very own Gen. Luci does some Japanese inspired prints.
https://hupalinocuts.co.uk/collections/all -
• #28
Ha, I had thought of getting her one of Lucis prints(they’re my go-to for last minute gifts lol).
Was thinking more along the lines of a piece of netsuke or inro etc.She moves often so trinkets are probably better than stuff to hang on the wall.
• #29
Every day is a school day, thanks for that, just had to look up netsuke and inro.
Certainly worth further investigation on my part.
Love Lucis prints, got a couple, may need a couple more though. -
• #30
easily gotta be Japan House
https://shop.japanhouselondon.uk/ -
• #31
Ta, will have a look
• #32
Website is terrible, but the Israel Goldman Collection is stupendous. The exhibition of Kyōsai last year was fabulous. https://www.israelgoldman.com/
More pop culture might be a chirashi: https://posteritati.com/poster-country/japan
Rutherston has a fine collection of netsuke for sale. https://rutherston.com/japanese-art-for-sale/netsuke/
• #33
Meet Vermeer — Google Arts & Culture
Clever link which enables you to see the exhibition in minute detail -
• #34
That is an incredible piece of software/system.
Thanks for the link, hours of exploring on there!
• #35
You're welcome and never knew this type of thing excisted - I was reading an article about the actual exhibition in Amsterdam https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/feb/07/biggest-ever-vermeer-show-milkmaid-amsterdam-rijksmuseum#comments
And someone in the comments posted the link. -
• #36
I had a quick peek at
this morning. Lots of great stuff. The art work on display by Shepard Fairey outstanding.https://www.saatchigallery.com/exhibition/beyond_the_streets_london
• #37
I'm hoping someone one here can help me out with something art related as I've got absolutely no clue!
I'm looking to buy a gift for my wife who's a huge fan of Henri Matisse and this cropped up when I was searching for something.
In the information it has the following:
Between 1950 and 1954 Matisse created some highly innovative, brightly coloured gouache paper cut-outs. Severe arthritis had made it difficult for him to paint.
In 1953 it was decided to reinterpret these works as lithographs. Matisse personally directed and supervised the first 'pulls' during 1954, in collaboration with the renowned lithographers Mourlot Frères of Paris.
These prints are original lithographs from the 1954 edition after Matisse’s cutouts. They are not later reproductions and are not to be confused with modern posters.What does this actually mean?
Is it basically an expensive reproduction?
As I've no clue, I really don't want to spend a load of cash on something that's not worth it! -
• #38
It’s a print of one of his compositions, the original of which was an arrangement of cut paper. The signature is part of the printed image. The print is likely of high quality but it’s expensive for what it is.
• #39
Link pinched from the FT but this is marvellous..
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but couldn’t find a more relevant thread..
A friend is moving back to The Netherlands at the end of March so looking to get her a leaving gift.
She curates Japanese textiles and other artefacts so would really like to get her a small Japanese antique or print etc.
Any recommendations for a good source for such things?