Not sure if this fits the bill, but our very own Gen. Luci does some Japanese inspired prints.
https://hupalinocuts.co.uk/collections/all -
Website is terrible, but the Israel Goldman Collection is stupendous. The exhibition of Kyōsai last year was fabulous. https://www.israelgoldman.com/
More pop culture might be a chirashi: https://posteritati.com/poster-country/japan
Rutherston has a fine collection of netsuke for sale. https://rutherston.com/japanese-art-for-sale/netsuke/
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but couldn’t find a more relevant thread..
A friend is moving back to The Netherlands at the end of March so looking to get her a leaving gift.
She curates Japanese textiles and other artefacts so would really like to get her a small Japanese antique or print etc.
Any recommendations for a good source for such things?