Hola - I have. Generally doing a few dynamic stretches first to get things moving, warm up set then straight into 2 or 3 pretty heavy (for me) sets of 5-7 reps, per exercise, max of two exercises working same body part.
So chest day for example was:
Bench Press
Warm up: 50kg x 6
Set 1: 75kg x 7
Set 2: 75kg x 7
Set 3: 75 kg x 6Incline bench (dumbbells)
Set 1: 26kg x 6
Set 2: 26kg x 6Not much left in the tank after that! Taking a similar approach with squats and deadlifts so I'll see where I'm at end of March or so, but so far so good 👍🏼
Thanks @Tenderloin , food for thought and I'll make a few tweaks to reduce total number of reps and increase quality.
@chrismanc , yep I'll be getting a belt pretty soon.