I don’t know if this got a response but i am pretty sure these are springtails.
Anyone got any ideas on how best to deal - drying out plants to within an inch of their life didn’t help, looking for a more permanent solution.
Basically infected all plants so I think must have been the soil?
Would just reporting everything into new soil and cleaning the roots off as much soil as possible be a last solution?
Also trying to rid gnats with mosquito bits, gnats are frustrating each plant has maybe 1 gnat appearing a day - hoping the tape and bits will kill them off.
Photo is off some springtails but found it impossible to focus on them even with a big lens
edit - no issue with the springtails for causing any damage or stopping growth just a lot of them crawling around
We have experienced a great die off of several houseplants and found a pot of dead plant infested with small 1/2mm white bugs (not larvae, so not fungus gnat).
What are they? How to kill them as brutally as possible but also biologically acceptable?
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