I fucking hate stationary training with a passion, and have avoided it for many, many years successfully.
When lockdown kicked in and no-one was sure if you were meant to ride outside, I decided to learn to ride the rollers I bought a few years previously, and maintain a modicum of fitness that way. I found using the rollers more stimulating that regular turbo training, but it was still dull as hell. As soon as I thought it okay, I switched back to riding outside, then crashed and broke a rib so it was back to the rollers for a month or so whilst it healed.
Haven't touched them since.
I was in the same boat (fucking hated turbos, would rather go out and freeze to death) and I've totally changed now. I think being hit from behind combined with WFH so no more commuting means I just find the bang for buck, convenience and safety of turbo sessions much more appealing.
Or, 30 years of dealing with cunts on the roads finally got to me?
crashed and broke a rib
Have you considered cycle training? #dontlean
I have a set of rollers that I barely use, but it would be good to get confident on them for race warm ups (mainly track at HHV). Do you use a powermeter with them, or just RPE? How structured are your sessions?
AI FTP potentially too high after a few weeks off due to sickness (although it did come down a fair bit). But generally I just can't motivate myself to ride in 10+ minute blocks indoors. I used to find TR a novelty and have used it successfully previously.