thanks to a week in bed with raging sinusitis - thoughts turn to a graphic for the headstock. Granted this is unnecessary and somewhat wanky (pretentious) but nevertheless. Starting points being my initials(ojs) or the combo of me and my wife’s names ok/okay. Still unsure but scribbles show process and thoughts welcome.
my actual mid naughts indie band had a way worse name that that. My turn of the century indie band (ie sixth form ) had a name that would not be okay in 2023 😬
thanks to a week in bed with raging sinusitis - thoughts turn to a graphic for the headstock. Granted this is unnecessary and somewhat wanky (pretentious) but nevertheless. Starting points being my initials(ojs) or the combo of me and my wife’s names ok/okay. Still unsure but scribbles show process and thoughts welcome.