We got a staffy puppy a few months ago and we're in a first floor flat. We do have a garden but it's down quite steep steps. Overall it's not really been a problem. It has been a big help that she's recently worked out how to go down the stairs on her own and we can just let her go to the toilet herself. But prior to that I was having to carry her down the stairs every time and the carrying part was the only annoying aspect.
But it wouldn't be the end of the world if you don't mind taking them outside every few hours.
She expends most of her energy going out for a couple of walks/play sessions a day & then mostly sleeps/relaxes the rest of the time.
We do a bit of playing in the flat- throwing soft toys, etc. But she's pretty happy just sitting on someone's knee and gently wrestling with a toy.
I presume in the summer we'll probably make more use of the garden with her & expect she'll need longer walks once she gets a bit bigger. But basically I wouldn't rule it out on account of being in a flat.
It is a shame rescue centres won't even consider it. I feel like a lot of rescue dogs would be much happier in a place with no garden than they'd be staying in the rescue centre. Living in Brixton/Clapham I've met lots of people with dogs in flats with no gardens who seem perfectly happy/well adjusted.
I can definitely say that I don't regret getting a staffy at all. They're amazing dogs and she's (so far) been much easier than I expected.
Obviously tend to be quite a lot of staffies of that sort of age needing re-homing on pets at home (freeads is good too). Though reading between the lines some of them sound like they might be quite hard going. I'm glad having got a dog I no longer have to keep reading all the bleak ads about how 'Tyson's a great dog but doesn't get on with my cat/has more energy than I can cope with/doesn't fit with my work schedule'.
We got a staffy puppy a few months ago and we're in a first floor flat. We do have a garden but it's down quite steep steps. Overall it's not really been a problem. It has been a big help that she's recently worked out how to go down the stairs on her own and we can just let her go to the toilet herself. But prior to that I was having to carry her down the stairs every time and the carrying part was the only annoying aspect.
But it wouldn't be the end of the world if you don't mind taking them outside every few hours.
She expends most of her energy going out for a couple of walks/play sessions a day & then mostly sleeps/relaxes the rest of the time.
We do a bit of playing in the flat- throwing soft toys, etc. But she's pretty happy just sitting on someone's knee and gently wrestling with a toy.
I presume in the summer we'll probably make more use of the garden with her & expect she'll need longer walks once she gets a bit bigger. But basically I wouldn't rule it out on account of being in a flat.
It is a shame rescue centres won't even consider it. I feel like a lot of rescue dogs would be much happier in a place with no garden than they'd be staying in the rescue centre. Living in Brixton/Clapham I've met lots of people with dogs in flats with no gardens who seem perfectly happy/well adjusted.
I can definitely say that I don't regret getting a staffy at all. They're amazing dogs and she's (so far) been much easier than I expected.
Obviously tend to be quite a lot of staffies of that sort of age needing re-homing on pets at home (freeads is good too). Though reading between the lines some of them sound like they might be quite hard going. I'm glad having got a dog I no longer have to keep reading all the bleak ads about how 'Tyson's a great dog but doesn't get on with my cat/has more energy than I can cope with/doesn't fit with my work schedule'.