I've been looking over my energy usage since I joined Octopus in May, and clearly the gas usage tracks the weather very closely as you would expect.
What I can't work out is why the electricity also appears to. Obviously you use more lighting when it's dark. But there is a clear November dip in electricity, coinciding with the warm spell, what's going on there? Do some electrical appliances (tumble dryer?) use much more electricity when it's cold - even though given we had the heating on, it didn't get particularly cold inside?
Each bar on these graphs is a month, starting in May. January short because it's not a complete month.
I've been looking over my energy usage since I joined Octopus in May, and clearly the gas usage tracks the weather very closely as you would expect.
What I can't work out is why the electricity also appears to. Obviously you use more lighting when it's dark. But there is a clear November dip in electricity, coinciding with the warm spell, what's going on there? Do some electrical appliances (tumble dryer?) use much more electricity when it's cold - even though given we had the heating on, it didn't get particularly cold inside?
Each bar on these graphs is a month, starting in May. January short because it's not a complete month.
What am I missing?
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