• #2902
Rishi making the mistake of leaving London and talking to regional journalists
https://twitter.com/dinosofos/status/1614190496775012352 -
• #2903
Give that journalist a job on the R4 morning news please
• #2904
Excellent stuff, suspect he won't be back on STV anytime soon
• #2906
I do agree, but for someone who run a buisness and needs transport, there really is only so much that can be passed on to the clients but its a bust situation and really only works mostly where the public transport is as good as it is in london. Very few places out side of it have good PT.
• #2907
Sunak is a very odd mixture of the past 4 Prime Ministers
Same suits as Cameron, as robotic as May, as duplicitous as Johnson and as woefully out of his depth as Truss
• #2908
Let's not forget, Mr Sunak is a massive cunt
• #2909
I do agree, but for someone who run a buisness and needs transport, there really is only so much that can be passed on to the clients but its a bust situation and really only works mostly where the public transport is as good as it is in london. Very few places out side of it have good PT.
Absolutely...part of the solution is to invest very heavily in public transport across the whole country. No more of this bullshit two buses a week thing for a village.
There's a village in Switzerland in the middle of nowhere on a high plateau overlooking the Mattertal that (according to local legend) has a local bank that has the highest average bank balance in the whole of Europe for it's account holders. The reason for this is that this village has a decently sized factory that produces hacksaw blades, staffed by villagers but also by a workforce who travel up the valley on the Postbus which runs every 10 to 30 minutes from early morning to late at night.
Whether the fact about bank balances is true is neither here nor there. Its a village that has been on that alp for 1,000 years but has built itself a successful industry that employs lots of people in the near region. This would not be possible without reliable public transport.
It works the other way too, lots of people who live in remote alpine villages need to get to school/college/work....their public bus system is the key to this.
The UK needs to be all over this.
• #2910
That’s a general Tory trait
• #2911
That’s a general Tory requirement
• #2913
I've not seen a clip of him that doesn't look like he's acting
• #2914
He is sounding more snd more like Mos from the I.T crowd.
• #2915
Lol, Lab/Con crossover is now 60+. They've utterly fucked it, for years.
• #2916
Does anyone remember the TVs they used to have for the poor bastards queuing in post offices, they had shit adverts for solicitors and accountants? His delivery is just like that.....
• #2917
I do - I was behind the counter when the PO first introduced TV advertising - it was called something like queuivision and we had to listen to the only 2 adverts they had on a loop all day.
One was for Stones Ginger wine and the other was for Stannah stair lifts.All.Day.
• #2918
I mean. They have to prosecute this don’t they? He’s admitted an offence.
• #2919
Something about the police not investigating things retrospectively etc, etc
• #2920
Another FPN (he got one for the party, I think)?
• #2921
No no no. When you’re a Tory MP you just say sorry and it goes away
• #2922
I thought it was “I accept full responsibility” and then that allows to to move on without any kind of accountability
• #2923
Comments are gold.
• #2924
He'll squirm out of it, just like he did the seatbelt.
• #2925
30p Lee never disappoints, you don’t get named Bankbencher of the Year for nothing
Not enough column inches exist for this, surely...