Hi thanks for this info. Wheel in question is a 28 rear.
Am beginning to see the light here and worry less where circs differ from 'the manual'. The Sheldon Brown guide does indeed say that the lead spoke location may not be the 1st after the valve (DS) and as you've said clearly some people start to the left of the valve. Having now looked at some kinlins on a shop built wheel they are laced heads facing DS on both flanges with crossing spokes heads faced away.
Your point about 24 holes raises an issue as I bought a 24 for the front wheel so will have to address this one way or another, and find out what triplet 2:1 is. Theres already an issue with the number of crosses there.
Cheers and thanks for your help
First forward of the valve, so to the right if the valve is at the top is NDS. Normally you start with the hole on the left, if the valve is at the top and that is DS. Killing rims are normally drilled that way… you didn’t buy a rim for 2:1 triplet lacing, by any chance? They only come in 24 holes.
Head in or head out in a crossed pattern makes no difference, some build the two sides in the same way, some don’t.