When we got Omar we thought we were going to get a female but the breeder advised us as first time Saluki owners a male would be easier as they are generally more straightforward their prey drive is worse but once you've got your head round that that's usually it and the females are more aloof, flighty and you've got hormonal seasons to deal with. With most dogs it is often a case of the bigger the soppier i was just making a physicality perspective. Omar is only 25kg and if he sees a cat and pulls i can control him but my wife struggles. He also likes laying on us rather than just next to us matter how much room he has which is lovely but I'm not sure I'd like it as much if he was 15kg heavier.
The boys are in our experience easier in a lot of ways, so don't necessarily be put of a (big) boy. The are very often just big loveable idiots