I generally get about 6-7h sleep a day (midnight to 6.30am) but make up for it a bit at weekends where I don't have to be up to make breakfast for a recalcitrant 13yo. Some evenings I'm just broken and I can be asleep by 10pm, in which case it's a nice ~8.5h until 6.30am.
I'm still aiming to run a ~500kcal/day deficit to keep to 0.5kg/week weight loss but I always find the first 4 weeks are funny, mostly due to:
- body shape changing as I put on muscle but lose fat, so weight stays the same but I look less fat
- the mesocycle and initial ramp up, if I can make it past the medium, medium-hard and hard weeks then I have the reward of the easy/recovery week in the 4th week - get there and I generally stick to the regime for a good 6-8 months
- I don't really calorie count, I just try not to over compensate, much of the gains are made but just cutting out some of the crap I used to eat and eating more of the good/healthy stuff
- body shape changing as I put on muscle but lose fat, so weight stays the same but I look less fat
A few days into the exercise routine (even with easing my way in) and I'm *tired*. At least I knew this was coming and have planned for it, but it's still a huge drag.
Expecting the usual 4 week weight plateau so will be some time before I see some results in that department, but it's usually a week or two before I start to find the exercise getting a bit easier.
(Time for another nap.)