I have set of Sigma Sport Vel 50mm RL
Tubless disc wheelset.
Decent entry level wheels.
I bought it when lovely 399£ offer was on ( now 549£
If anything needed to be sorted with warranty I will assist.
Looking to only recup my cost of 399£, plans have changed and need to free up funds unfortunately
Buyers pays any fees of paypal and postage if they can't collect from Bedford.
I have set of Sigma Sport Vel 50mm RL
Tubless disc wheelset.
Decent entry level wheels.
I bought it when lovely 399£ offer was on ( now 549£
If anything needed to be sorted with warranty I will assist.
Looking to only recup my cost of 399£, plans have changed and need to free up funds unfortunately
Buyers pays any fees of paypal and postage if they can't collect from Bedford.
Link to the wheelset on Sigma sport: https://www.sigmasports.com/item/Vel/50-RL-Carbon-Tubeless-Disc-Wheelset/QS28?utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&co=GBR&cu=GBP&glCountry=GB&id=1249428&ds_eid=700000001845766&ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=UK_EN_Profit_Google_Shopping_All+Users_Vel&ds_cid=71700000093018843&ds_ag=Vel+Ad+Group&ds_agid=58700007771852478&ds_k=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_kid=92700070557273789&ds_kids=p70557273789&gclid=CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YIDBsbKrqdEN4qxUua84uQA65EKdyNTC7dwn3CB_7DjioNyqpDFFRaBoC0wEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds