people live in absolute shit holes but have 60k plus motors, washing and waxing it every other day.
I guess it’s just what gives you the most pleasure. From a sensible financial perspective it’s the house every time, but it can be fun and liberating to ignore prudence and buy cool shit. Also, no one down the pub or at football knows ho low cool your house is, but they all get to see your car.
I bloody love cars. But I’m also tight. I live in a constant state of uncomfortable dissonance
I guess it’s just what gives you the most pleasure. From a sensible financial perspective it’s the house every time, but it can be fun and liberating to ignore prudence and buy cool shit. Also, no one down the pub or at football knows ho low cool your house is, but they all get to see your car.
I bloody love cars. But I’m also tight. I live in a constant state of uncomfortable dissonance