Owls mostly hunt at night when other predators are not around . Listen at dusk for the last sheep crow and blackbird to go silent then imagine listening for your food on a silent wing and being able to see in the dark.
Seeing one during the day means they are hungry . 3 voles per night minimum .
Indeed - and part of the reason for these photos being so grainy and blotchy is that I was cranking the gain up to 12800 ISO. The blackbirds did overlap with the owl, and I saw a mouse in the grass shortly before owl appeared.
Owls mostly hunt at night when other predators are not around . Listen at dusk for the last sheep crow and blackbird to go silent then imagine listening for your food on a silent wing and being able to see in the dark.
Seeing one during the day means they are hungry . 3 voles per night minimum .
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